Love Project 0
Love Stories shaping everyday objects. Three different sensors collect emotional data during our guests’ love narratives: voice, brain activity, and heart beat sensor. Each sensor is touching key points of their body, collecting data from the physical changes contained in the emotion of their narrative. Using Processing as the computational agent, an interface was created to interpret the data collected by the sensors. The collected data is then sent to Parametric Software (Grasshopper), through which we developed a programming sequence that modeled the three-dimensional objects based on a system of particles. Each particle has a different behavior, altered by the sensor’s data. The final piece is sent to a 3D printer that can print in different materials. Each product is unique and contains the most intimate emotions of the participants’ love stories. LOVE PROJECT is a study in design, science and technology that captures the emotions people feel in relating personal love stories and transforms them into everyday objects. The project suggests a future in which unique products will bear personal histories in ways that encourage long life cycles, thus inherently combining deeply meaningful works with sustainable design. Obsessed with the idea of sustainability through affection, and seeking for a longer life cycle in products which are shaped trough emotions, we believe in the future of co-creation, unique design systems and digital fabrication. We believe in a future where digital technology is used in a warmer, cozier, and more humanistic way. Technology to shape a better society, to bring us closer.