Focus | List of Experts for 2023 DIA Nominations (II)

The 2023 DIA Call for Entry is proceeding in an orderly manner. Up to now, the DIA Committee has received thousands of entries from different countries and regions around the world, and DIA is attracting a high level of interest and participation from both inside and outside the industry.

Want your work to stand out from thousands of entries? Now the opportunity to obtain the “Special Pass” is coming! The 2023 DIA Committee invited 100 senior experts, academic leaders and industry elites from different fields to nominate works for 2023 DIA, and the works nominated by them can directly enter the Second Evaluation after being reviewed by the DIA Committee.

We hereby release the second batch of experts for the 2023 DIA nominations. Dear contestants, please come and find your talent scout!

List of Experts for DIA 2023 Nominations (II)

(Sort by first letter of last name)


Cheng-Neng Kuan (Taiwan, China)

Honorary President of Shih Chien University, Taiwan

He used to be vice president of Shih Chien University (2008-2017) and president of Taiwan Industrial Design Association. In 1992, he founded the Department of Industrial Product Design and served as the first head of the Department (1992-1999); In 1997, the School of Design was established and he served as Dean of the School (1997-2004); During this period, he founded the Institute of Industrial Product Design and served as the director (1998-2007). He has been invited to serve as a judge of many well-known design competitions in China and abroad, and has also served as a design consultant for several companies.


Guo Chunfang (China)

Dean of Art College, Jilin University

Mr. Guo is one of the Leading Talents in Philosophy and Social Sciences of the 3rd batch of national "Ten Thousand Talents Program”, and one of the Famous Cultural Artists of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and “Four Batches” Talents. He is also a member of the Design Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, a member of the first National College Aesthetic Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, the Deputy Director of Cultural Tourism & Art Industry Employment Sub-committee of the National College Employment and Entrepreneurship Steering Committee, and the Expert of Art Design Sub-Committee of the Steering Committee for National Art Major Degree Postgraduate Education. Mr. Guo has long been engaged in innovative talent training and design education, and he is the head of the design team of the mascot "Shuey Rhon Rhon" of Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics, Head of National First-class Program (Visual Communication Design) and Head of National First-class Course (Visual Image Design).


Han Ting (China)

Professor, School of Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University


Professors, Doctoral Supervisors, Adjunct Professor of Institute of Medical Robotics, Young Scholar of Changjiang Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education (2019), candidate of Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program, Outstanding Teacher of Baosteel, Tang Lixin Outstanding Scholar, Top 10 Educator of China Industrial Design Association, Member of Industrial Design Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education and Director of Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Design.


Hu Fei (China)

Dean of College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University

Distinguished Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Tongji University. High-level Young Talent of the Ministry of Education, Member of the Teaching Steering Sub-Committee of the Industrial Design in Higher Educational Institutions under the Ministry of Education. He graduated from Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University in 2005 and studied from Professor Liu Guanzhong. Mr. Hu has led more than 20 projects at or above the provincial level, such as the major projects under the National Social Science Fund and the Ministry of Education, and is the person in charge of the first batch of national first-class courses "Service Experience Design”. He has published 3 textbooks under national planning, 10 academic translations and more than 90 papers; His teaching achievements have won the first prize and the second prize of provincial teaching achievements; His academic achievements have won multiple awards for outstanding achievements in philosophy and social sciences at the provincial level and the "Best Paper" at international academic conferences; The industry-university-research achievements has won the Diamond Award in the “Governor Cup" Industrial Design Competition of Guangdong Province.


Ji Tie (China)

Dean of School of Design, Hunan University

Dean of School of Design, Hunan University, Member of the 8th Design Discipline Review Group of the State Council, Secretary-general of the Teaching Steering Sub-Committee of Industrial Design of the Ministry of Education, Secretary-general of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Cultural Creation) Alliance of the Ministry of Education, Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholars Program (2020), Expert of Culture, Science and Technology and Modern Service Industry Planning of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Director of Key Laboratory of Digital Cultural Creativity and Smart Design Technology, Ministry of Culture and Tourism.


Josh Owen (USA)

Director and Distinguished Professor of Vignelli Center for Design Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology

Josh Owen is an internationally renowned industrial designer, educator and writer. He is also the President of his own design studio, Josh Owen LLC, the Distinguished Professor of Design at Vignelli and Director of the Vignelli Center for Design Studies at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Owen's projects have won numerous design awards, and his works include permanent design collections at the Le Centre Pompidou, Chicago Athenaeum Museum, Corning Museum of Glass, Denver Art Museum, Montreal Art Museum, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History and Taiwan Design Museum. He is the author of Lenses for Design and the forthcoming Design for Study.


Jiao Long (USA)

Chief Innovation Officer of Simon Group, Vice President Asia-Pacific, and Director of R&D Innovation Center

Mr. Jiao Long has worked in the fields of design consulting, design research and design management for many years, and he has unique insights and rich experience in design strategy and planning, involving industries including automobiles, science and technology, consumer electronics, medical and health care and FMCG. He is especially good at leading cross-disciplinary innovation teams to carry out product innovation and development based on user experience, culture and market insight. Jiao obtained a master's degree in industrial design from Tongji University and a master's degree in MFA from Ohio State University, USA. He has served as an associate professor and graduate student supervisor in the Department of Industrial Design of California College of the Arts, Manager of Philips China Design Center, General Manager of Radius in China, an American design company, and Judge of iF International Design Award.


Lu Chunfu (China)

Dean of Industrial Design & Research Institute, Zhejiang University of Technology

Professor and Doctoral Supervisor. Executive Director of Zhejiang Industrial Design Technology Innovation Service Platform, Member of Teaching Steering Committee of Industrial Design Major of the Ministry of Education. He has long been engaged in the research of industrial design service, design industry and design management. Mr. Lu presided over more than 10 provincial and ministerial-level projects and more than 30 major industrial design technology and product development projects of enterprises, and assisted relevant government departments to complete the formulation of policies such as the 13th Five-Year Development Plan of Industrial Design Industry in Zhejiang Province.


Mohd shahrizal bin Dolah (Malaysia)

Associate Dean and Professor of Faculty of Design and Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Doctor of Crafts and Design, Sheffield Hallam University, UK; Master of Industry and Systems Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia; Bachelor of Industrial Design, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, Malaysia. He has worked in the School of Design and Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Bristol Technologies Malaysia Branch and Yijiedan Department Store, specializing in industrial design, design manufacturing and design research methodology. His research fields include user-led, participatory design, industrial design, design and manufacturing, modular system furniture, sports design, and quality function development method of product design.


Ning Gang (China)

President, Level-2 Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Advanced Research Institute of Ceramic Culture

Ning Gang, former president of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Deputy to the 13th National People's Congress; he is currently the President, Level-2 Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Advanced Research Institute of Ceramic Culture. Mr. Ning received his Doctor of Literature from Wuhan University of Technology and Honorary Doctor of Philosophy from Wonkwang University, Korea. He is a member of the 7th and 8th Discipline Evaluation Groups (Design) of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, a deputy director of the Teaching Steering Committee of Design Majors in Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education, an expert enjoying special allowance from the State Council, the Master of Chinese Ceramic Art, a judge of Chinese Masters of Arts and Crafts, a judge of Changjiang Scholars, and a tenured professor at Cambridge University Art Center.


Shao Jingfeng (China)

Chief Designer of SAIC Motor R&D Innovation Headquarters

Shao Jingfeng, a famous automobile designer in China and a national model worker. He is currently the Chief Designer of SAIC Motor R&D Innovation Headquarters, and is responsible for the modeling design of SAIC’s independent brands such as Roewe, MG and RISING AUTO. Shao Jingfeng built a globally-connected international design team of SAIC in Shanghai, London and Tokyo, and led the design of the faddish Internet vehicles such as Roewe RX Series, MG Series and RISING AUTO Series, which won great success in domestic and overseas markets as well as many international and domestic design awards. He served as an adjunct professor in Tongji University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, East China University of Science and Technology, Central Academy of Fine Arts and other universities, and has held global automobile design competitions for ten consecutive years to promote the rapid development of industry, education and research in the field of automobile design in China.


Sun Lingyun (China)

Associate Dean of College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University

Associate Dean of College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, President of International Design Institute of Zhejiang University, Director of Modern Industrial Design Institute of Zhejiang University, Director of Zhejiang University-Alibaba Joint Laboratory of Intelligence, Design, Experience and Aesthetics (IDEA Lab), Director of Alliance for Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship of Zhejiang University-Singapore University of Science and Technology Design, Director of Zhejiang-Singapore Joint Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Design, and Ng Teng Fong Chair Professor. His main research interests include design intelligence, information product design, etc. His representative achievements include short video intelligent design system and flexible crowdsourcing of creative design. Mr. Sun has undertaken more than 10 projects under the National Natural Science Foundation of China, published more than 30 papers in Design Studies and SCIENCE CHINA, and has more than 20 invention patents. He has also won multiple design awards such as Red Dot and IF Award.


Tao Xiaonian (China)

President of China Household Electrical Appliances Association

Mr. Tao is the President of China Household Electrical Appliances Association. He has been long engaged in the management of light industry manufacturing. He used to be vice president of China National Light Industry Associations, chairman of China Horologe Association and China Arts and Crafts Society. He has also served as a member of the Review Board of China Quality Award, the Review Board of Vocational Education and Continuing Education Textbook of the Ministry of Education, the Review Panel of "Great Country Craftsman” Person of the Year of All-China Federation of Trade Union, and the Deputy Director of the 7th Working Committee of Chinese Arts and Crafts Masters.


Tong Huiming (China)

Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Vice President of Guangdong Industrial Design Association, and international judge of G-Mark Award of Japan from 2017 to 2021. He has been engaged in industrial design education, research and practice for nearly 40 years. In 2017, he put forward the concept of Brand Driven by Design (BDD), and in early 2018, he initiated the establishment of the BDDWATCH (Brand Driven by Design Watch) Research Platform to strongly promote the development of design-driven startups.


Yu Suihuai (China)

Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Northwestern Polytechnical University

Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Northwestern Polytechnical University. Vice President of China Industrial Design Association, Member of the Teaching Steering Sub-Committee of Industrial Design of the Ministry of Education, Director of Shaanxi Provincial Industrial Design Engineering Laboratory, Director of Industrial Design Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Director of the Expert Committee of "National Industrial Design Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance" of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Deputy Director of the Review Committee of 2012 China Excellent Industrial Design Awards, Vice Chairman of Interaction Design Committee of China Industrial Design Association, Executive Director of Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, one of the 10,000 Outstanding Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mentors in China, Outstanding Teacher of Shaanxi Province and Winner of Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award. Mr. Yu has led the construction of Shaanxi Provincial Industrial Design Engineering Laboratory and the Key Laboratory of Industrial Design and Ergonomics, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and successively undertaken more than 10 key scientific and technological research projects and "863" projects in the 10th Five-Year Plan, 11th Five-Year Plan and 11th Five-Year Plan, completed more than 20 research tasks in industrial design and related fields under National Natural Science Foundation of China, Aeronautical Science Fund and Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, and led 4 funding projects for outstanding returnees. He has published more than 200 academic papers, including more than 20 papers in SCI, SSCI and EI, as well as 4 academic monographs.


Yang Xuetai (China)

President of Industrial Design Research Institute, Huaqiao University

Mr. Yang graduated from the first industrial design class of China Academy of Art. Now he is the President of the National Institute of Ceramic Industry Design, a professor and doctoral supervisor and enjoys the special government allowance of the State Council. He is the Leading Talent of the National Ten Thousand Talents Program, the Young and Middle-aged Leading Talent in Innovation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Leading Talent of Universities in Fujian. He is also a member of China Design Competitiveness Committee, director of Industrial Design Art Committee of Fujian Artists Association, president of Fujian Ceramic Industry Design Institute, president of Quanzhou Industrial Design Association, and evaluation expert of Changjiang Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education. He has led a number of major national projects and topics of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology, and undertaken the design and production of national gifts for BRICS Xiamen Summit, the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China. His works were selected for the 12th and 13th National Fine Arts Exhibition. Det Design, the company he founded in 2011, has been recognized as National Industrial Design Center, National High-tech Enterprise, National Service-oriented Manufacturing Demonstration Platform and National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise. In 2014, he created, the first design industrialization platform. In 2021, the institute he incubated was recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as the only national institute of ceramic industry design in China.


Zhang Lei (China)

Head of the Department of Industrial Design, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University

Head of the Department of Industrial Design, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, Member of Tsinghua University Teaching Committee, Director of Intelligent Product Design Institute of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Deputy Director and Secretary General of Council of Industrial Design Arts, China Artists Association. He has led a number of design R&D projects of national ministries and large enterprises at home and abroad, including those under Project 863 and Project 985. Enterprises with cooperation in design include: IBM, BOEING, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Hyundai Motor, Nissan Motor, CETIS, RETO, QUICK Intelligent Equipment, Rongyang Aluminum, etc. More than 50 design works have been put into production and sales at home and abroad, and he has over 100 design patents at home and abroad. Many of his design works have been displayed or published in important exhibitions and professional media at home and abroad, including: Design Exhibition at Milan Design Week , Design Exhibition at Tokyo Design Week, etc. He has published 5 academic monographs and textbooks, as well as more than 20 papers at home and abroad. He served as a judge of the jury of the "Thousand Talents Program" of the Ministry of Culture (Art and Design), a judge in the art and design of the National Fine Arts Exhibition, an expert member of the jury of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, a judge of the China International Design Biennale for University Students, and a judge of the College Student Innovative Design Competition.


Zhu Xuguang (China)

Dean, School of Art and Design, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

Dean, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Art and Design, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Senior Visiting Scholar of Durham University, Standing Committee Member of Industrial Design Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Director of Zhejiang Fashion Design and Manufacturing Collaborative Innovation Center, Chief Expert of High-level Innovation Team of Universities in Zhejiang Province, Member of Advisory Committee for Policy Decision of Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. He had led 3 national projects, 6 provincial and ministerial projects, published 5 monographs and more than 50 academic papers, of which 10 papers have been reprinted and extracted by authoritative journals. He also has won 6 provincial and ministerial awards (2 first prizes, 1 second prize and 3 third prizes), and his works have been granted with iF Award, Red Dot Design Award, Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany, IDA and other design awards. Mr. Zhu has participated in the evaluation of Arts Projects under the National Social Science Fund, Projects under National Social Science Fund Project, Projects under China National Arts Fund, Humanities and Social Science Project of the Ministry of Education, etc., and served as a judge of DIA, Beijing Design Week, Chinese Design Award, etc., and a final judge of the Innovative Design Competition of China Emergency Rescue.


Zhang Fan (China)

Vice President of GAC R&D Center and Director of Concept and Modeling Design Center

Mr. Zhang comprehensively manages the industrial design of all models of GAC's self-owned brands "Trumpchi" and “AION", and has built an international design team across three countries and four places with systematic professional ability and strong business ability. With the “domestic leading and international first-class” design strength, he has helped promote the sales growth and market success of their independent auto brands. As a representative of Chinese original auto design, the vehicles he designed have won many design awards at home and abroad, which has established a prominent position for Chinese design in the global auto industry.


Zhu Chen (China)

Senior Director of Industrial Design, iFLYTEK Co., Ltd.

Senior Director of Industrial Design, iFLYTEK Co., Ltd., Secretary General of Artificial Intelligence Branch of China Industrial Design Association. Winner of "iFLYTEK Star" Honorary Medal, Top 10 Outstanding Youths in China's Design Industry of DDF Award Mr. Zhu has 17 years of design and management experience, and has long committed himself to the research and practice of the innovation paradigm of "artificial intelligence + industrial design". His career history spans household appliances, artificial intelligence, education, medical care, etc. His design works have won honors such as China Light Industry Excellent Design Award-Gold Award, Red Star Design Award-Silver Award, IDEA-Bronze Award, etc., and have made the records of "Four Grand Slams”-Red Dot, iF, G-Mark and IDEA with a single work for many times. He has participated in drafting more than ten standards as an individual, owns more than 200 patents and won more than 50 design awards at home and abroad. Mr. Zhu was invited as the talent ambassador of China Industrial Design Association, the external editing expert of Design magazine, and the founding partner of City of Design in Yantai. He has served as an evaluation expert of China Excellent Industrial Design, Anhui Industrial Design Competition and Goldreed Industrial Design Award


Zhang Yue (China)

Tenured Professor at Westlake University

Mr. Zhang graduated from Tsinghua University in 2003 with a bachelor's degree in computer science, graduated from Oxford University with a master's degree in computer science in 2006 and from Oxford University with a doctor’s degree in computer science in 2009. From March 2010 to June 2012, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in computer science at Cambridge University, and from July 2012 to August 2018, he worked as an assistant professor at Singapore University of Technology and Design From September 2018 to June 2022, he served as a tenured associate professor at Westlake University. He is currently a tenured professor at Westlake University.

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